
Whether Training Is In Autopilot Mode

Whether Training Is In Autopilot Mode Ensuring that training is aligned with business goals and effectively applied by employees requires strong support from line managers and top management. When you read this title, you might think, "Oh, another marketing gimmick!" But take a moment to reflect—are we truly delivering effective training, or are we just going through the motions? Let’s dig deeper with a scenario. Imagine you're at Company X, where employees attend training sessions, but afterward, they don't apply what they've learned. This situation raises a critical question: Are we investing in superficial gains rather than achieving tangible results? Typically, we start training by defining learning objectives and creating content to support them. But what happens after the training ends? Are we ensuring that employees apply their new skills to drive real business outcomes? We Want That Trainings be Aligned to Business? It’s time to address the disconnect betw...

How You Overcome Internal Barriers and Achieve Personal Growth

How You Overcome Internal Barriers and Achieve Personal Growth You know, Overcoming internal barriers involves recognizing limiting beliefs, cultivating self-belief, and embracing resilience to achieve personal growth and happiness. We all carry within us certain beliefs and patterns that shape how we see ourselves and the world. These internal barriers can be the silent obstacles that hold us back from achieving our true potential. Over the years, both in my professional life and personal experiences, I’ve encountered these barriers and learned how to confront them. Understanding Internal Barriers Internal barriers are the beliefs and fears deeply rooted in our subconscious that influence our actions, often without us even realizing it. I remember a time when my daughter, despite her exceptional achievements, confided in me that she didn’t feel happy about receiving a distinction in her dissertation at Cardiff University. This puzzled me. Why would someone not feel joy at such a signi...

Our HydePark Laughing Group: Our Step by Step Guide

       Our Hyde  Park Laughing Group: A Step-by-Step Guide The Anecdote: Imagine this: Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? You wake up late, spill coffee on your shirt, get stuck in traffic, arrive late to work, and make a mistake that infuriates your boss. Days like these drain your spirit, and one effective way to boost it is through laughter. Laughter is a way of life, and we believe in making our lives pleasant. Here at Hyde Park, we have a Laughing Group that regularly gathers in the garden for warm-up exercises followed by bursts of laughter. We've been doing this for years, but something's missing—we’re not fully enjoying it. This blog is an effort to explore what we’re doing and what we could do better. We Have a Laughing Group in Hyde Park: Recently, as a member of the group, I took a deeper interest in our activities. A few days ago, on a sunny morning, I joined our Morning Laughing Group Exercise. We, the ...

You can Control Your Emotions!

Gg We want to teach you how you can stop being impulsive in your day to day life. What we intend you suggest need seriousness but if you apply it effectively, it will make you control your impulsive behaviour. This blog is in this context only. The morning event: For the past two days, we have been in pain because of our non-social behaviour. We are today 60+ and still feed odd when talking to people. This issue was on my mind and so, today in the morning pages hour, the reference of Victor Fankle, a psychologist and his teaching about the 'stimulus-response relationship' get into the mind. We wondered whether the experience that he had in the Nazi concentration camp regarding S-R relationship applies in my case also. He was a zew, captured by Nazis and torchered heavily. During this state of torture only he had some intuitive learning which helped in finding changed relation between the stimulus and the response Victor Fankle redefined the S-R relationship: We first learned ab...

Effective HR Practices in Oman: A Personal Memoir

Effective HR Practices in Oman: A Personal Memoir Dr. Gyanandra Pratap Singh Dr. Singh is a doctorate in psychology, an HR professional,       researcher, trainer, psychotherapist, and blogger. This memoir is a testament to my unique journey as an HR professional in Oman. It's driven by the recognition of a gap in shared experiences within HR and how we filled it. My primary goal is to share my personal experiences and insights on the less-discussed challenges faced by HR. The Outline Of the Blog: This blog is a memoir of my work in Oman. We are narrating it because otherwise, it may remain largely unexplored. It's driven by the recognition of a substantial gap in shared experiences within the HR sector in an Omani company and how we filled it. Here, my primary goal is to share my personal experiences and insights on the less-discussed challenges faced by HR. As we embark on this journey of storytelling, my motivation is rooted in the belief that my experiences can be a v...

You May Unlock Your Potentials

I You May Unlock Your Potentials  You May Unlock Your Potentials  The Act Of Divine Power; I was recently watching a video on teaching of Bhagwat Geeta on Facebook. One thing that struck me was the teaching that there are five essential concepts in life: the soul, nature, karma, time, and God and these are interwoven in such a way that whatever karma we do, we reap the fruit of it. In other words, whatever karma or actions we take, we will reap the corresponding results. Good actions lead to good results whereas bad actions lead to bad results. This learning was new for me. At that time, I had my belief that God had given us all the powers, abilities and Will with freedom to do whatever we want. It is up to decide how we use those powers, and that determines our success and happiness in life. In this way, we are the architects of our own destiny. When I looked into these teachings, initially these seemed as they are two sets of conceptions but later both appeared as compliment...

The Power of God Within Us

                                                    The Power of God Within You यह ब्लॉग ईश्वर की तरफ से हमें मिले उपहारों के बारे में मेरे विश्वास की अभिव्यक्ति है। आज, भगवद् गीता से प्रेरणा लेते हुए, हम यह स्थापित करने का प्रयास करेंगे कि ईश्वर के उपहारों के प्रति हमारी ईमानदारी कैसे हमें सशक्त बनाती है और हमें ईश्वर की नज़रों में ऊँचा उठाती है। एक दिन, मैं फेसबुक पर एक वीडियो क्लिप देख रहा था जो भगवद गीता और गीता में दी गई शिक्षाओं के बारे में थी। एक बात जो उस वीडियो में स्पष्ट थी, वह यह थी कि हमारे जीवन के पांच अवधारणाएं हैं। ये अवधारणाएं आत्मा, प्रकृति, कर्म, समय और ईश्वर। यदि आप उस शिक्षा को मानें तो यह स्पष्ट है कि हमारा karma हमारी प्रकृति द्वारा शासित है। दूसरे शब्दों में, कोई भी व्यक्ति जो भी कर्म करता है, उसे उस कर्म के अनुसार, प्रकृति के गुणों के अनुसार, फल मिलता है। यदि वह अच्छा कर्म करता है तो उसे अच्छा फल मिलता है, और बुरा कर्म करता है तो उसे ब...